Tuesday, 11. February 2025

Palais Thermal: Pool Landscapes

Königliche Atmosphäre strahlen die Fürstenbäder aus.
Königliche Atmosphäre strahlen die Fürstenbäder aus.
"The best part is the water", wrote the Greek lyricist Pindar about 500 B.C. In the Palais Thermal you will also find an homage to the element of water at every turn. The healing water of the Wildbad thermal springs guarantees you regeneration for body and soul, and in surroundings more beautiful than you can imagine.

The spa landscape awakens a bit of romantic sensitivity to new life, a "bathing temple" that allows guests to recall the good spirits of the water. It is impossible to miss the association of the decoration with sacred examples from the past. While you are in the Palais Thermal, enjoying its delights, allow your eyes to wander to the heights of the dome in the community pools. Whether you are in the large exercise pool under the soft gaze of Thorvaldsen’s Venus, the small massage pool or the little pool with seats, decorated with sculptures, everywhere the colored glass windows contribute visually to the atmosphere in the rooms.

Experience the unique design of the princely pools with their play of light and shadow, released by the art nouveau style windows; also the cheerful and artistic wall and ceiling paintings or the tiles with their floral ornaments – all of this and more is pure pleasure. And here in the Palais Thermal you will be sure to find a niche, either in the princes’ pool or in one of the many whirlpools, where you can feel genuinely good and escape from everyday life.

And for those of you who do not simply want to swim, there are drinking fountains and an inhalation fountain, as well as solaria available. An overview of the Wildbad spa culture that has existed for centuries is on display in our little spa museum, embedded wonderfully in a thermal springs spa landscape that is without rival. You will marvel at what you see ...